
English and Reading

At Ringway Primary School, we understand and appreciate the fundamental importance of reading in promoting high standards of both competence and creativity using language and literacy as well as the imperative importance of supporting children in developing a genuine love of reading. Throughout daily teaching, in explicit lessons as well as through thematic learning across the curriculum and valuable time in which the class in able to collaboratively (teamwork) share high-quality texts, the development of word reading and comprehension skills is at the heart of our curriculum. As Barack Obama succinctly stated: ‘Reading is the gateway skills that makes all other learning possible’ and, with this ethos underpinning our curriculum, we appreciate that through reading children are able to learn about the varied life experiences of others, thus gaining an understanding of the importance of equality and treating other with respect at all times. Furthermore, the perseverance required to develop effective reading skills is something that we encourage learners to take pride in, celebrative their excellence and achievements as well as promoting a sense of increased self-belief

We also believe reading is key for academic success and ensure we provide pupils with the learning experiences they need in order to achieve this. Our curriculum is structured with the following:

  •  In Reception, we use ‘Songbirds’ reading books which link to the Read, Write, Inc phonics scheme taught in school. As children progress into Key Stage 1, they will be placed onto the ‘Oxford Reading Tree’ scheme books. Pupils will read 1:1 with an adult in school once a week and have their reading book changed.
  • As pupils enter Key Stage 2, they will be moved onto ‘Free Readers’ which is a choice of book from the class library. Children who are not yet ‘free readers’, will continue to work through our school reading scheme – these are levelled books which match the children’s current reading age. We encourage family at home to read these books with their child. Key Stage 2 pupils who are on free readers will have the opportunity to change their book weekly, however since some novels are considerably longer, pupils are encouraged to keep their current book until they have finished reading it.
  • Pupil’s reading at home will be recorded using Reading Challenge Records. These will be sent home every half-term and require pupils to take part in 10 minutes of reading each day with any book/magazine/poem/newspaper of their choice. Parents are required to sign records to confirm the reading that has occurred at home. At the end of each half-term – any completed reading challenge records will be collected and entered into a prize draw.
  • Each classroom will have a selection of books which are directly linked with the class topic for that half-term. This offers opportunities for the children to apply their reading skills across the curriculum.
  • As part of the Prefect role in school, Year 6 pupils often share stories with children in Reception and Key Stage One in small groups during allocated class story time. This simultaneously enables Prefects to take on a high level of responsibility within school and act as reading role models for the younger children.
  • With the teaching of English through a novel, pupils are exposed to many opportunities for group reading in their daily lessons. In addition to this, we have one English lesson per week set aside focussing on developing reading comprehensions skills.
By the time children leave Ringway, they are competent readers who are enthusiastic and motivated and will enjoy reading a wide variety of genres. They have the skills to decode words in order to be able to read fluently with a secure understanding of what they have read and be inspired by literature and have a voracious appetite towards reading. Throughout this intent, we aim for our pupils to develop both life-long skills, and a genuine passion for reading for pleasure, that will continue to benefit them for the rest of their lives.